Coro /Choir

 Hay un coro de batuta invisible

que canta buenas intenciones y deja eco de tortura.
Hay que sonreír a esos rostros corales
y ni siquiera eso es capaz de significar
un silencio de redondas marchitas.
Coraza sublimadora del silencio,
quédate siempre.


There is a choir of invisible baton
that percusses all its great intentions
and this one leaves the wake of some echoes
of the greatest of expressible tortures.
I must smile at those multiple faces
that are part of the very damned choir.
And not even that is capable of meaning,
even silences of round withered ones.

Sublimating shell of the silence,

stay forever.

Imagen diseñada con AI /Image designed with AI.



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